
Image Restoration

One of the most useful , effective techniques of Photoshop is restoring age-old Pics. This was an assignment by my professor.I would describe the way I restored the below uploaded image.First and foremost, select desired image . Open in Photoshop and create a copy of the image so that you won't lose your work - in case of  emergency. According to my selected image, I used Brush Tool(B) , Spot healing Brush( J) and Healing Brush.For the most of restoration , I used spot healing . But , at certain   areas of the image, Healing brush was used as it is manual and spot healing grasps the nearby  area of the image and applies i.e.automatic. I even used brush  on pixel level as you could notice the far left area of the image , because either of the healing or spot healing weren't getting the desired result.Hope my description and my way of applying restoration was helpful.

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